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Aspire Financial Advisors Inc. is a full-service financial firm located in Concord, Massachusetts. We focus on providing financial guidance to Christian churches, schools, and the people that attend them. Our areas of specialty include retirement income planning, portfolio management, and charitable gift planning. We can also provide your organization with educational seminars and workshops. 

John F. Harrison, CFP® is the founder and president of Aspire Financial Advisors, Inc. He has been in the financial services field since 1990 and has been an active ordained minister since 1991. He is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional, as well as a published author. 

John’s background helps him appreciate the challenges of financial management from the perspective of both the pulpit and the pew. Many years of preaching and teaching have helped him develop as an educational speaker, fueling his drive to make complex concepts understandable, interesting, and actionable. 

Whether presenting a workshop for 200 people in a church or talking one-on-one in the office, the goal is the same: to provide clarity, peace of mind, and direction for the journey.